RiverStone supports over 30 long-term missionaries and ministries around the world. Some of the locations cannot be shared to ensure the security of our partners. Our missionaries give us the opportunity to prayerfully, financially, and relationally support:
- Running businesses as mission in Asia to provide fair wages and build trusting relationships with locals
- Running children’s homes in Asia to help children on the streets receive care and resources
- Campus outreach, Bible school, and local church ministry in multiple continents to develop relationships with the community and make disciples
- Missionary care across multiple continents to equip those who have devoted their lives and families to serving in foreign contexts
- Centers for worship and prayer in multiple continents to connect people with God and minister to Him
- Crises response and care for pregnant mothers, orphaned children, and trafficked individuals in multiple continents
- Short-term missions to unreached people groups across the globe
We host a monthly missions prayer meeting on the second Monday of each month at 7pm. This time is dedicated to hearing testimonies and prayer requests from each of our missionaries, hosting our missionaries to learn more about their ministry when they visit, and covering them in prayer. If you would like more information about long-term missions, missions prayer, or how to give, contact our Community Outreach Pastor (savannah@riverstoneonline.org).