Sundays at 10 AM
2005 Stilesboro Rd NW, Kennesaw, GA


College ministry for young adults ages 18-26


a place where vessels may find shelter, especially one protected from rough waters.

That’s what we want to be for YOU!

Harbor is RiverStone’s college ministry and anyone 18-26 years old is invited. 

The average college student’s life is full of turbulent waters. From new housing, new jobs, new faces, new sleep schedules, new friends, and new ideologies, students are very quickly thrown into the deep end and lose any sense of familiarity or stability in their lives.

Our heart is to be a place where young people can find rest amidst crazy new territory.

College is statistically where young Christians fall away, so we’d like to stand against that narrative and be a Lighthouse in the dark. We want to be a place where consistency and truth combat lies. We want to be a Harbor in new waters, the source of Truth amidst uncertainty, and the Light in the dark.

We want students to leave our meetings knowing that there are people who care about them, that it’s safe to have questions, and that there’s a real and loving Father who wants to be with them in this new journey of theirs.

Help us spread the word and tell your college-age friends about us!

If you have any questions about Harbor or interest in serving college students, please reach out to for more info.

Rachel Cook

Rachel Cook

Administrative Coordinator
