RS Together

RS Together desires to see the members of RiverStone grow in deeper relationships with each other and God. Through a meal around tables and classes designed to equip us for the work God has called us to, we believe that we will see immense fruit. We encourage you to participate in what God is doing here by attending RS Together, investing in relationships, and being trained for missional living.

The RS Together 2024 schedule is:

Potluck Dinner Kick-off: February 28, 6-8 PM

Classes: March 6-27, 6-8 PM

Middle schoolers and high schoolers are encouraged to attend classes with their parents. Childcare will be provided for newborn-5th grade. 

Register for classes here

Available Classes:

Toward An Appreciation of Marriage – Carson and Colette Malone

Whether you have been married for 6 days or 60 years, the act of uniting two people “into one” is an ongoing process rather than a one-time event. This journey of union and communion is a continual pursuit, frequently requiring work and reexamination to keep it in its proper, God-ordained perspective. Using the control text of Mathew 6:21, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” this class will seek to identify precepts, practices and priorities that empower us to embrace the gift of the marriage partnership.  We will focus on subjects such as communication, intimacy, goal-setting, and spiritual accountability. We want to help couples recognize the treasure they have been given and find great joy in their journey together.

Identity – DJ Jensen

This class is intended to open our eyes and to receive revelation on not just who we are according to The Word and The Holy Spirit, but I believe you will also experience a word from The Father. I also want to explore the true Character of God. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the connection to our Father, Brother and Holy Spirit so we can start to walk in what we were created to walk in.

Apologetics – Matt Roskind

In the-post Christian culture that we live in it’s vitally important for personal edification, everyday living, and evangelism that you be able to articulate what you believe in and why. In this class we’ll do hands on activities and classroom-style learning regarding the nature of truth, the evidence for God, the reliability of the New Testament, and so much more. You have questions, come and see the answers.

Praying with Christ’s Authority – Angela Brown

As a child of God and disciple of Christ, you have been given great authority to become a mighty warrior in the Kingdom of God on earth. In this class you will learn how to use that authority with the wisdom of God, through prayer and declarations, to influence the world around you. You will also become familiar with the mighty armor of God revealed in Ephesians 6 which is  available to all His faithful children. These teachings will equip you with God’s hopeful expectations for you, your family and your nation.

Journey to Restoration – Sharlene Turley

This will be a time of reflection, revelation and inner healing. Through prayer and relational exercises, we will identify the fruit in our life and address the root causes in our pursuit of healing and transformation together.
-To God: identify any wrong thinking in regard to Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit
-To Self: look to identify our core beliefs and unmet needs to uncover the reason cycles play out in our life
-To Others: seek truth in areas of our relationships that may not be life giving and fruitful
-To Community: identify places, people or circumstances that hinder being who you were created to be

What is Islam? – Jim Cole

Note for those in RS class on Islam: If it is possible (but not required), read “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus” by Nabeel Qureshi. Goal : Most Mosques spend a lot of time teaching children about Islamand Christianity. In the book, “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus”, you will see that Nabeel reveals that he took great pride in challenging middle and high school students both in America and in Scotland about their Christian faith. The ultimate purpose of the course is to soften Christian hearts toward Muslims, and for them to be able to defend their Christian faith when challenged.

Praise Him with Song! – Laura Patterson

In this class, we’ll explore the wonderful gift of songs, hymns, and spiritual songs.  We’ll learn the stories of the hymn writers, their inspiration for writing, as well as look into the rich meaning of the words.  We’ll also watch videos of these songs being sung by various musicians covering a variety of musical styles.  This class will provide a great time of fellowship as we learn, praise, and sing together

RIVERSTONE HARBOR Providing shelter, speaking life, and empowering the next generation.

Harbor is our new college ministry and we want to be a place where students can find stability amidst crazy new territory. Our goal is for them to leave our meetings knowing that there’s people who care about them, that it’s safe to have questions, and that there’s a real and loving Father that wants to be with them. We want to be their Harbor in new waters, source of Truth amidst uncertainty, and Light in the dark.

Meetings will take place on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 7pm. This group is for ages 18-24yrs.

REGISTER for classes HERE