Our Team
Dr. Tom Tanner
Lead Pastor
Our Lead Pastor
Tom Tanner joined the RiverStone staff in August of 1999 as an Associate Pastor. Tom was named Senior Pastor upon the retirement of founding pastor Charles Sineath.
Tom’s responsibilities include preaching and teaching on Sundays, casting vision for the congregation, leading the staff, chairing the Board of Directors, and the general oversight of all ministries of the church. Tom also serves as President of The Transformation Network, which is an organization dedicated to church planting.
In 2020, Tom graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary with a Doctor of Ministry with an emphasis in Church Planting. Tom and his wife Melissa have two children and five grandkids.
Please email pastors@riverstoneonline.org to schedule meetings.
Our Team
Samuel Buhler
Development Pastor
Savannah Ugan
Missions Pastor & Residency Director
Matt Roskind
Youth Pastor
Becky Elle
Children's Pastor
Rachel Koch
Nursery Director
Hannah Buhler
RS Kids Executive Assistant
Sarah Maslak
Preschool Director
Rachel Cook
Administrative Coordinator
Meri Chaffee
Creative Communications Director
Sarah Ledford
Kamsi Okezie-Okeke
Director of Operations/HR
Flavio Valiente
Facilities Manager
Dana Hardin
Pastoral Administrator
Nolan Doss
Production Director
John Goehring
Worship Director
Allyssa Goehring
Worship Director
Olivia Korson
Youth Assistant