To see the Women of RiverStone Church become agents of Transformation in our Homes, in our Neighborhoods, and in our Community
- Unify
- Equip
- Empower
- Send
- Unify
- Equip
- Empower
- Send
- Love of the Father – Everything with His Heart
- Lordship of Christ – Everything for His Glory
- Power of the Spirit – Everything by His Power
- Truth of the Scripture – Inspired, Relevant, Reliable
- Strength of the Family – God’s Design for Discipleship
- Unity of the body – Better Together than Alone
- Generational Investment – Older Women Investing in Younger Women
2025 Winter Women’s Bible Study
January 14th-March 4th, 2025
Classes will start January 14th with a brunch and fellowship. Both studies take place from 9:30-11:30am each week, excluding February 18th due to Winter Break, and both classes will be ending on March 4th. Childcare is available for these classes.
Join us as we study through the Psalms and learn about God – His attributes, what pleases and displeases Him, His relationship to the righteous and the wicked, and His revelation of the future concerning Messiah, salvation, and judgment. In Psalms 1-22, we’ll learn how blessed we are when in right relationship to Him, that we respond to Him in worship.
Messy People by Jennifer Cowart:
We will dig into the lives of biblical heroes who were messy people just like us but who were used by God in powerful ways. Together we will examine the stories of five wonderful but messy people and one messy parable character: Rahab, the Prodigal Son, Josiah, Mary, David, and Daniel. From their stories, we will learn how God can use broken people, restore damaged hearts and relationships, give us power to handle our critics, and help us deal with the hard moments of life. Along the way we’ll discover that we don’t have to just endure messy lives but can actually learn to thrive with God’s guidance and help. In the hands of God, our messes can become His masterpieces!
Oasis – A Ministry for Single Moms
RiverStone values single moms of all ages, and we want to be a source of support and encouragement. Periodically, we host dinners focusing on fellowship, developing friendships, and encouraging one another as we try to meet the unique needs of the single mom.
Look for upcoming events in the RiverStone Newsletter and on the Events page. For more information, contact Doreen Swift at doreen@dsbsoft.com.
Widows Walk – A Journey of Discovery
RiverStone’s Widows ministry meets on the second Saturday of each month at 10:30 am.
Please park behind the church and enter through the office doors. For information or questions, please contact Lynn Sanders at lynns212@gmail.com.
Intercessory Prayer
If you have a heart for prayer and feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit to pray with like-minded women, you are invited to join us in the Prayer Room on Thursday mornings at 9:30 am.
We have experienced many breakthroughs and are expecting even greater ones to come. First-timers are ALWAYS welcome!
“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
James 5:16
If you would be interested in receiving the Women’s Ministry Newsletter to stay up-to-date on all of our current events, please email rswomen@riverstoneonline.org.